Author: Hans & Associates, P.C.
Long Island City, New York Employment Defense Attorneys

Corporate corruption that denied low-wage workers their rightful pay led to passage of the New York Wage Theft Prevention Act, which became a law in December 2010 and went into effect on April 1, 2011. Current unemployment rates, large corporations’ greed, and government failures to handle the economic downturn are subject to protest today. The protest is obvious, as evidenced by Occupy Events and the buzz of online social media. Yet, restrictions under the new law place an added burden on small and mid-sized employers.

Details about the Wage Theft Prevention Act

The NY Wage Theft Prevention Act requires all employers to provide detailed explanations to employees about their wages translated into the employee’s primary language. Many New York restaurants and small businesses hire employees who either do not speak English or English is clearly not their primary language. Read More

Attorneys Stephen D. Hans & Associates