Author: Hans & Associates, P.C.
There are many ways an employer can respond when an employee complains about sexual harassment. Some ways are savvy and legal and other ways violate New York and federal laws.
Sexual harassment is an unpleasant issue. Consequently, employers may want to avoid investigation, ignore the issue, and hope it goes away. Legally, this is not effective for several reasons. When an employer fails to take any action to correct a sexual harassment problem, the employee is entitled to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Or, even worse, suppose rather than confronting the employee accused of sexual harassment, the employer sympathetically asks the overwhelmed employee if she would rather have the company just cut her final paycheck. This seemingly considerate approach that commiserates with the victim’s desire to escape the abuser can backfire and result in a retaliation case.
Burlington v. White Read More
If sexual harassment or discrimination is an issue with employees, consult a New York employment defense lawyer . An attorney can help you put the proper employment practices in place and avoid lawsuits.