Author: Web Perseverance
Internet Marketing and Business Consultants

Recently, a client forwarded us an email she received from a well-reputed national web marketing company about using pay-per-click (PPC) to expand her company’s customer base. Whether the marketing company’s account representative was misinformed, dishonest and independently driven, or was following company policy is unknown. The marketing presentation was deceptive and made promises that no SEO (search engine optimization) specialist can ever guarantee.

Misleading web marketing sales and promotions reflect badly on the industry in general. As a web marketing company, we feel a sense of responsibility in dispelling falsehoods and misconceptions that are routinely sprinkled in marketing presentations, leading prospective clients to have unrealistic expectations.

What to watch out for

When an SEO or other web marketing professional promises certain types of results — top page ranking, click numbers, or lead results – run for the hills or politely say, “No thank you.”

Here is a specific example: a promotion promises a specific number of inbound leads per month such as 20-40 over a 90-day period or 10-20 monthly after the initial 90 days. Leads and inbound leads are two different animals. Most prospective customers do not understand web terms and the terminology is not explained, which is also deceptive.

No savvy web professional makes unrealistic promises. While a Google PPC marketing campaign has control over the keywords used, Google has control over organic content and how sites rank on search pages. Hundreds of factors go into search engine placement, such as keywords used in the content and meta tags, domain names, coding used in web design, inbound and outbound links, and the list goes on. No one really knows the algorithms that Google uses to determine ranking.

However, Internet marketing professionals can use SEO software tools, analyze successful sites, and make educated guesses. Many times our sites get excellent ranking. But, no honest online development professional will ever promise specific marketing results because the web is constantly in flux. And Google, the king of search engines often changes its ranking tactics and keeps its algorithms a safely guarded secret.

At Web Perseverance, we are always happy to answers questions about web marketing and do our best to help clients get the most out of their web promotions. Contact Web Perseverance, to find out more about web marketing and get an honest assessment of realistic internet marketing results.