They’re Not Making This Up – Read About Why
When describing date rape or other types of sexual assault, women commonly say “I just froze up” instead of fighting back or crying out. This is a scientifically recognized reaction behavioral experts call “Tonic Immobility”. Behavioral scientists have several theories for why this happens, one being that the brain subconsciously decides that fighting back or fleeing are not good options, so the “freeze” response temporarily- and involuntarily – takes over as a means of coping with the situation.
The brain and body temporarily “shut down” as a coping mechanism. In some cases, victims may “dissociate” during a sexual assault, which means mentally detaching from their physical experience as a defense mechanism to the overwhelming emotional pain. Those victims describe feeling as though they are watching the assault happen to someone else or experiencing an “out-of-body” sensation.
“Freezing up” is more likely when the assailant has social authority, emotional dominance, or superior strength over the victim, so the victim may feel powerless to resist, and might already be thinking that no one would believe the accusation if she made it. You should have lawyers who understand this representing you.