Ways to Enhance Web Visibility
Author: Web Perseverance

The internet is a wonderful marketing tool for businesses and Web Perseverance is constantly looking for ways to enhance a client’s web presence.
One tool we discovered that is quite effective for lawyers is an online directory called HG.org Since many of Web Perseverance’s clients are attorneys, finding ways to link or promote law firms is a main focus of ours. HG.org is a site geared toward law firms with services ranging from listings in several directories to legal articles publication and ads for law firm job openings. Firms can post videos and blog links as part of their directory listing.

“HG.org has allowed our firm to increase our visibility online through both directory listings and blog postings. Having a presence on HG enhances our search engine optimization and ultimately drives traffic and leads to our site. HG.org should be part of any firms digital marketing strategy.” Law Offices of Rudolph F.X. Migliore.

Numerous lawyers post short videos on their websites as a way to reach out to prospective clients. Videos bring to life the lawyer’s personality, demeanor, and professionalism. They also help viewers connect with the lawyer, create familiarity with the look and feel of a law firm, and provide an idea of how the firm deals with clients.

HG.org also provides RSS feeds which are valuable tools for search engine optimization (SEO). RSS, sometimes called Really Simple Syndication, contains a data format that feeds fresh content to a site. You can use it for blogs, news headlines, and audio or video presentations. Through RSS feeds, you automatically syndicate information, and new content helps with SEO.

Web Perseverance keeps your marketing needs in mind and can tailor a web marketing plan that helps you drive business. If you are looking to establish or enhance your online presence, find out how Web Perseverance can help.