Everything you need to run a small law firm
How to Innovate and Beat the Competition
Although attorneys have traditionally been opposed to change, recent innovations in technology and a heightened sense of competition has forced innovation. Many law firms have increasingly started searching for a solution to spending hours and money on mind-numbing tasks.
Discover the Benefits of Automated Legal Forms
One way in which law firms are discovering the opportunity to have shorter work days and enhance profitability is by automating practice management tasks. The power of automation offers limitless benefits, including filling out a court form within minutes. With automation, there is little to no data entered manually into the forms. Overall, automation allows for a seamless experience, saving time, reducing typographical errors and lessening the workload. LEAP, legal practice management system, offers automated forms and templates that make document production simple.
Enter Data Once and Merge Automatically
With automation, you only need to enter information once to produce multiple documents. Forms are now generated quickly as key data is merged directly from the electronic matters, which are also stored safely and organized within the practice management system. Thousands of mergeable fields allow you to merged data automatically, making the creation of legal forms effortless. The entire process of producing forms from the initial step of locating the legal form to entering the information requires only one simple system. Because you do not have to venture outside the software to find forms or client facts, production of legal forms happens in real time.
Optimize Support Staff
The modern-day attorney who uses the latest technology can click on the legal form he or she needs and automate it within seconds. There is no need to pay support staff to re-key information into separate forms. Automation makes support staff nonessential and even extraneous. The idea of back office staff becoming obsolete elicits the fear of job loss. However, there shouldn’t be opposition to automation due to the potential job losses that it could cause. In fact, automation doesn’t have to cut jobs, it can give support staff a green light to become useful in other areas within your practice.