Author: Law Office of Rudolph F.X. Migliore,P.C.

While nearly everyone is exposed to asbestos at some point in his or her life, higher levels of asbestos exposure and greater lengths of exposure time can lead to serious asbestos-related illness, such as the deadly cancer, Mesothelioma. People working within certain occupations, especially those working with materials containing asbestos, are more likely to be exposed to higher levels of asbestos fibers for longer periods of time. Specific work environments, such as factories, mines, ship yards and construction sites are more likely to expose employees to dangerously high levels of asbestos, therefore, making them more susceptible to developing asbestos-related diseases.

When asbestos fibers are released into the air, people can inhale the fibers by breathing them into their lungs or ingest them by drinking water that contains asbestos fibers, without even knowing. Both methods of ingestion are dangerous and can put someone at risk for developing serious life-threatening illnesses, like lung cancer and Mesothelioma. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the materials and locations that contain significantly higher levels of asbestos.
Persons working in the trades of:
Asbestos mining and milling
Manufacturing of asbestos textiles/other asbestos products
Insulation work in construction/building
Brake repair
Demolition workers
Drywall removers

are among those at risk for exposure to dangerously high levels of asbestos. If you feel you may be at risk, or have been experiencing any of the following symptoms after being exposed to asbestos, please contact the law office of Rudy Migliore to see if you have a claim and are entitled to compensation.

Common symptoms associated with life-threatening, asbestos-related illnesses are:
Shortness of breath
Chest Pain/ Chest tightness
(Unexplained) Weight loss
Coughing (including coughing up blood or cough that produces mucus)
Difficulty breathing or wheezing
Swelling and pain in the abdomen
Bowel obstruction
Loss of appetite