Author: Rosenberg & Gluck
Personal Injury is All We Do

Significant Settlement with Home Depot

In a products liability case, you are entitled to receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Your attorney must prove that the product was defective by reason of design, manufacturing, or ineffective warnings. Like all personal injury lawsuits, a products liability case is subject to a deadline, called a statute of limitations. In most circumstances, claimants must file product liability lawsuits in New York within three years from the date of injury. However, the sooner you contact a lawyer, the better opportunity there is to preserve evidence and interview witnesses which helps insure a favorable outcome.

Two weeks ago, Rosenberg & Gluck settled a case where our client went to Home Depot and purchased a pitch fork. Later that day, while the client’s son was using it, the head detached from the handle and the fork impaled the mother’s lower leg. He had to be airlifted to the hospital where the pitchfork was removed by surgeons. Our products liability lawyers proved the manufacturer was responsible for the manufacturing and design defect that caused the accident. We settled the case pre-trial for several hundred thousand dollars. Read More