Author: Sackstein Sackstein & Lee, LLP
One of the most debilitating conditions for individuals in nursing homes is bedsores, known medically as decubitis ulcers. An individual who is bedridden, for any condition, must not lie in the same position for lengthy periods of time. If this happens, sores can develop, which not only can be quite painful, but can develop infections, leading to very serious health concerns. Because many nursing homes are understaffed, lack appropriate procedures for avoiding bedsores, or are staffed by personnel who lack the necessary qualifications or skills to minimize the risk of bedsores, far too many residents of nursing home facilities suffer needless injury.
If your loved one has incurred bedsores in a nursing home facility, the lawyers at Sackstein Sackstein & Lee, LLP, can help. We have more that 60 years of experience protecting the rights of personal injury victims, including people who have suffered bedsores in a nursing home. We have recovered many substantial judgments and settlements for our personal injury clients.