Author: Web Perseverance
Internet Marketing and Business Consultants

When a person knows how to navigate the streets and avoid unsavory characters, criminals, and scams, we call them streetwise. In today’s fast paced internet world, it is time you become web-wise and develop a streetwise intuition about the web. Unscrupulous dealings can work their way into every form of business, and unfortunately, web marketing and internet technology are no exceptions.

Recently a colleague of Web Perseverance, who also develops websites, mentioned that one of her clients queried her regarding a web marketing company. The internet marketing company had contacted her client, claiming it was the source of her client’s website marketing success. The claim was couched in a barrage of technical terms, which generally left the client confused, along with a sales pitch about changing web developers. The fact is, this internet marketing company had made no contribution whatsoever to the site’s success.

New York web marketing probe

Fraud is no stranger to the internet. CNET News explains a scam that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo targeted for investigation in 2010. The investigation was launched to discover what type of relationships some major retailers had with three marketing companies.

While at some point, you may have legal recourse for a situation like the one described by my colleague, your best protection is to become web-wise and avoid false advertising the first place.

If you have a good website that is working for you, always consult the marketing service that created your website. And if someone else wants to take the credit for its success, realize that something is fishy. If trustworthy, trust the people you work with initially, get involved with your marketing, and learn how to track results for yourself.

For answers to questions about how to improve web marketing, contact Web Perseverance.