Is Google Plus on Its Way Out?

When Google created Google +, it was the linchpin for all other Google related online activities. A prime example is the fact that when you wanted to set up channels and post on You Tube, you had to have a Google + profile. Your Google + account tied your identity to...

Woman Lawyers Success

Author: Lisa Pelosi: New York Criminal Defense Attorney Why Woman Lawyer Success? Lisa Pelosi has been a criminal defense lawyer in NYC and New York State for over 30 years,. She provides top legal defense for people facing misdemeanor or felony charges throughout New...

New York Elder Law Attorney Donna Stefans

  Donna Stefans Live on TV! Should you be considering Estate Planning? Yes You Should! Watch or set your DVR, Cablevision SD-10, FIOS-SD-10, Saturday Morning, July 18th, 6:30am Tune in as Donna Stefans, ESQ. answers common Estate Planning and Elder Law questions...