CosmoLex LogoAttorneys deal with sensitive information and are obligated ethically and legally to protect it. Today most of that information is electronic and the number of digital threats we face is growing in leaps and bounds. It has become impossible for any but the largest law firms to implement the kind of security they need, which is why so many firms turn to cloud-based law office software such as CosmoLex. Here is a small sample of the protections you’d need for complete data security.


If you’ve used the internet long enough, you can remember a day before computer viruses. However, once malicious programs appeared, a host of new threats quickly followed. Trojan horses, adware, ransomware, bots, rootkits, worms and more have evolved rapidly. No single anti-malware program can handle all threats, so you need an array of specialized security software to protect your computers.


Having a business computer without internet is like having an office without a door. But, if you connect your law firm’s computers to the internet, you are opening yourself to intrusion. While you need to connect to the outside world, you also need to prevent unauthorized access. Firewalls secure data, but there is no single solution. Business computers today should have both a software  and a hardware firewall, since each serves different purposes.

Physical Security

The movies show slick hackers breaking into government computers because the department director uses his birthday as the password. In reality, those kinds of break-ins are rare. Your information is more likely to be stolen by some drug addict looking for electronics to pawn. He breaks into your office, steals your computers, sells them and now a stranger has access to all your client information.

You Can’t Do It All

In addition to the above, you need to protect against fires, natural disasters, power failures and countless other threats. The simple fact is,  the average small business can’t afford the security they need. So, what can you do?
You don’t keep your operating funds in a shoebox in your desk; you keep those funds in a secure bank. Do the same with your information. Rather than spending thousands of dollars on cutting edge security, you can use CosmoLex, cloud-based law firm billing software. CosmoLex is housed in an SAS-70 compliant secure datacenter, giving you the level of security you can’t afford.

Security – Only one of Many Advantages of Cloud-based Legal Billing Software

Find out more. Try CosmoLex free for 30 days with no obligation and no credit card needed. You’ll be surprised how much easier your billing becomes and how much more secure your client information is.