Author: WebPerseverance, Inc
Internet Marketing and Business Consultants

Today’s sophisticated technology allows businesses to use multiple phone numbers as part of marketing analysis. For example, the phone number noted on a business’s brochure may be different than the phone number on a website, mobile app, or Facebook. When prospective clients or customers call the business, call tracking software records information about the call such as the geographic location of the potential client, the time of the call, repeat calls from the same number, etc. The business can analyze which marketing approach drives the most business and prioritize marketing emphasis accordingly. Such technology is called call tracking.

Importance of understanding how the call tracking service operates

Google Analytics provides a long list of call tracking services that all fight for your business. In the push button age we live in, technology becomes more and more convenient, but also quite advanced and exceedingly complicated. In an effort to leave technology in the hands of professionals, many business people do not understand or closely monitor their services. This can be a costly mistake. In fact, business owners can pour tens of thousands of dollars down the drain, if they are not careful.

Recently, Web Perseverance, discovered that several of our business acquaintances who had invested up to $100,000 with call tracking services made the mistake of not monitoring their service. The service provided annual tracking numbers so the client could evaluate their advertisement. At the end of the service period when both clients called their tracking number to retrieve data, both discovered that the phone tracking numbers they called had been disconnected. Unbeknownst to them, the phone tracking numbers changed annually, and data was no longer retrievable. Both were livid about the money wasted.

The lesson learned is to monitor your marketing investments with the same degree of scrutiny that an accountant would devote to pouring over tax forms or a lawyer over a legal brief.
For savvy web marketing guidance and services, contact Web Perseverance.