by author | Mar 1, 2019 | Personal Injury Law
Author: Sackstein Sackstein & Lee. LLP Dehydration and Malnutrition in New York Nursing Homes Dehydration and malnutrition are one of the most common types of nursing home abuse. What Is Dehydration? Dehydration is rapid loss of body fluid, and according to the...
by author | Mar 1, 2019 | Employment Defense Attorneys, Employment Law, Lawyer Marketing, Restaurant Law
Legal Concerns for New York Restaurant Owners Author: Stephen D. Hans If you’re opening a new restaurant in New York City or the surrounding area, there are certain legal requirements you must put in place. You will need to choose a business entity and get your...
by author | Feb 25, 2019 | Employment Defense Attorneys
EEOC Sexual Harassment Charges Statistics Surged Author: Stephen D. Hans The increase in sexual harassment lawsuits brought by the EEOC was 50 percent higher in 2018 than they were in 2017. The EEOC filed 66 harassment lawsuits, and of those, 41 involved allegations...
by author | Feb 25, 2019 | Parental Legal Rights
Parental Legal Rights when your child turns 18 Author: Joseph Esposito What does it mean to be 18 years old? From a personal perspective, it means college and freedom. However, from a legal perspective, it can be a liability, not only for the 18-year-old but for...
by author | Feb 20, 2019 | Lawyer Marketing, web design and websites, Website Accessibility: ADA Compliant
More Lawsuits Are Emerging to Pursue ADA Violations Website accessibility based on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) became an issue for the Beyonce website. Media outlets featured articles about it in January 2019. A blind person sued Parkwood Entertainment,...
by author | Feb 19, 2019 | Employment Defense, Employment Defense Attorneys
Judge Upholds the 2013 Law Banning Polystyrene for Takeout Containers and Coffee Cups In 2019 restaurants must begin phasing polystyrene cups and containers out of use. This change is a result of a ruling that came down from an appeal that had challenged the new law...
by author | Feb 14, 2019 | Estate administration attorney NY, Estate Probate Attorney
Probate Administration | Wrongful Actions There are certain basic legal requirements when a person transfers property, conveys a power of attorney or establishes a plan for the distribution of an estate. Among the most important are: The person must have appropriate...
by author | Jan 15, 2019 | Lawyer Marketing, web design and websites
A Brief Look Back and Look Forward at Websites It’s a fact that the world of web design and websites is ever changing. New improvements in design and technology emerge all the time. Can you imagine growing up without being able to browse the web or carrying a...
by author | Jan 14, 2019 | Medical Malpractice
Serving Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, New York City, Long Island and Garden City Author: Sackstein Sackstein & Lee.LLP Medical malpractice occurs when there is a failure to follow generally accepted medical practices, which results in harming a patient....
by author | Jan 11, 2019 | Business Law
A Step-by-Step Approach to Build a Stronger Small Business Author: Patrick Bergen, Compass Operations It’s an essential part of the American dream—owning and operating your own business, calling your own shots, reporting to no one but yourself. But it’s also common...